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NTGM Workshop Policies

1.  Registration

Workshops have been very popular. We urge members to register early. Once a class is  filled, a wait list will be established.


Members who sign up for workshops at a meeting will fill out the sign-up forms and pay for the workshops that day. Members who mail their checks to the Program Registrar should fill out the workshop registration form found on the NTGM website and include the current date and their check number on the form to hold their place in the que.


A separate check for each workshop is made out to NTGM, dated for the first day of the workshop (not the date the check is written) with the name of the workshop in the memo line. No variations, PLEASE!


At the June meeting members register for September through November workshops. Only those who have paid their dues for the coming year may register. Registration for the remaining workshops for the year will be conducted at the October meeting (2nd Tuesday of the month). Only at the beginning of a registration session in June and then again in October will in-person registrations get priority. Mailed-in registrations will be accepted and held in the order they are received until the in-person registration has taken place.


Non-members are eligible to sign up one month before the workshop at the end of the NTGM morning in-person or Zoom program. Non-members pay an additional fee - to be determined.


Some workshops require the purchase of a class kit. Participants pay the instructor directly for the kit on the first day of class or when it is preordered. Any issues with the kit are between the student and the teacher. Class lists along with any updated supply lists are emailed to the participants prior to the class.


2.  Cancelations / Workshops  

The fee of for a workshop is based on a minimum of 12 participants. To maintain good financial practices, a workshop under 12 students may be canceled unless other participants can be found, the remaining participants choose to equally pay for the necessary tuition to retain the class, or there are extenuating circumstances. If a workshop class is canceled, checks will be destroyed or returned, as requested.


3.  Cancelations / Members  

If a member wants to cancel their place in a workshop, even if on the waitlist, they must notify the Program Registrar as soon as possible.


A member will receive a refund for an in-person or Zoom workshop if:

a. The Program Registrar is notified at least one month prior to the workshop and

b. There are at least 12 attendees left to meet the financial minimum requirement, the member finds a  replacement, or a non-member fills the space.


c. If the instructor has already prepared a class kit for the member and wants reimbursement, the member will be required to purchase it. There is an option of reselling it to another member.


If a member cancels in the last month before the workshop and no replacement is found, they must find a replacement who will cover their cost for the class and kit fee, or they will not receive a refund and may be responsible for purchasing the class kit. However, refund requests for last-minute cancellations due to emergencies like hospitalization, a death in the family or other extenuating circumstances can go to the Board for a review for approval.


Revised 5-28-2021

Workshop Policies

Facebook Group Page Protocol

NTGM Facebook Page will be developed to provide members with an additional communication tool in order to foster the beliefs held within the mission of the Guild.


Go to Facebook, and search for The Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan Facebook page and push the button to join. You will receive a message that will accept you to the page.

Mission Statement

The Purpose shall be to foster the art of needle work, with special emphasis on work done with a needle with an eye and related disciplines, with an eye to encourage high standards of design and technique and to bring together members who shall learn, share, teach and participate to the fullest extent in this endeavor.


  • All dues paying members are invited to participate on the Facebook page.

  • All posts should reflect the mission statement of NTGM. Post must be fiber related, whether they are announcing an event, answering a question or discussing personal work.

  • Discussions of personal, workshop or other members posts should be in a supportive and instructive manner to benefit all members.

  • Members should be mindful of copyright issues and be certain to credit instructors or workshops where techniques have been learned. Links to pertinent sites to acknowledge your teachers and their methods is helpful.

  • Political discussions and comments will not be allowed. Work that has a political message will be discussed based on techniques and workmanship, NOT message.

  • We encourage members to share their work and special fiber related fines. Post photos, publicize related events and supply sales, check out excursions and find carpools. Have fun.

  • While posting be mindful that posts are intended to share members works and activities, promote the mission and work of NTGM. This is not a personnel Facebook for self-promotion.

  • ALWAYS the privacy of our members is important. Members, during workshops, can decide NOT to have their picture or work placed on the NTGM Facebook page.

Facebook Group Protocol

Zoom Protocol

How we will work:

General Meetings:

  1. Registrations will be mailed utilizing Mail Chimp.

  2. You will receive a Zoom registration in your email box you have provided to NTGM.

  3. You will receive a confirmation email with all the information you need to signin.


  1. ​Registrations will be mailed directly to your email address.

  2. You will receive a Zoom registration in your email box.

  3. You will receive a confirmation email with all the information you need to signin.

Artful Quilters/Beaders/Knitters/All other Organizational Meetings

  1. A Zoom invite will be sent directly to your email.

  2. On the day of your meeting, you will sign in directly through the invite email.

Hints: You may want to have a place to save your Zoom meeting/workshop information so you can easily find it to log into the meeting. You will often be asked for your Passcode.

Day of the event:

  1. Have your computer/tablet/phone ready for ZOOM.

  2. You may want to restart your device; it may work smoother. Shut down all apps and turn off sounds.

  3. Be close to your wifi.

  4. Find that confirmation email.

  5. For a long meeting or workshop, you may want to elevate your device to save your neck. Look up and make eye contact with everyone.

  6. Have lights only in the front of you or best on the side. We want to be able to see you. You may want to check the space behind you and make sure you want folks to see what’s there. Wearing earphones/earbuds will minimize noise, especially during a workshop.

  7. Ask your household to be respectful.

  8. Minimize disruptions, we can see what’s happening.

When you have joined the meeting:

  1. The first 15 minutes will be for saying “Hi” and chatting. It will get wild with 30-50 of us, but that's OK - have fun reconnecting!

  2. Check to see that your mic is muted or unmuted, if you want to speak you must be unmuted Check to see if your video is on, if you don't want to be seen, click off your video camera.

  3. You can find both of these icons on the far left of your tool bar at the bottom. You may need to hover over that area for the bar to be seen.

  4. After the 15 min chit chat time is up, all participants will be muted and the speakers will be unmuted to make sure that everyone can hear the speakers.

Hint: If you click on your video camera, you will see that you can improve your image if you want. But we love you just the way you are.


  1. At the top of your screen the black bar provides options for viewing the screen.
    a.) Gallery View allows you to see many participants at a time (icon lots of little boxes).
    b.) Speaker View allows you to see the speaker only (one, four corner box).

  2. During a presentation or workshop, you may want to use Speaker View. You can still use chat during Speaker view.


  1. If you click on the Participants icon on the bottom of your toolbar, a white box will appear on your right side.

  2. This box allows you to see everyone who is attending.

  3. It also provides icons for you to press if you want to get the speakers’ or hosts’ attention. Make sure you click on the “more” button to see additional icons


  1. On your toolbar at the far left are three dots; click on those three dots and a chat box appears on your left. This is where you can write in a question or comment you would like to provide the speaker or host.

  2. You may write to everyone or to an individual person in the meeting. Click the “Everyone” button to see the available options. BE CAREFUL if you do not click on the person you want to message, everyone will see your message.

  3. Both of these boxes can be moved around, made larger or smaller on your screen. Click on the blue video camera and a box will tell you what options you have.

Share Screen

  1. The green button allows for pictures, slideshows, video something to be shared from a computer to everyone.

  2. Share Screen usually puts everyone in full screen mode, but chat and other functions can still be used by moving your mouse over the bottom or top of your screen.

Reaction Icons

  1. If you want to share your feelings, there are several little icons you can push. The icon will appear by your image.

ZOOM is a different way for us to meet but it may get tiring sitting and listening. You can always, stand up, stretch, take a little break. Have a coffee or some water with you to refresh yourself.


ZOOM’s tools and icons are there to help you. Muting, placing a coffee cup icon by your name, shutting down your video all might become tools you want to use. Like any other computer program, play with it a bit and enjoy the process.

We are all in this together!!!!

At least we don't have to wear a mask during ZOOM!!!!

Zoom Protocol
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