Meeting Information
Meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of the month at St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 5500 N. Adams Rd., Troy MI 48098.
The formal meeting starts at 10 AM with new business, announcements and Show & Tell, followed by the morning presentation. Meetings generally end by noon. Tuesday workshops run from 12:45 to 3:45 PM. Doors are open at 9:30 AM for refreshments, social time, library use, flea market and consignment purchases. Wednesday workshops run 9:30 AM-3:30 PM on the Wednesday after the meeting.
Participants may sign up for workshops by sending in coupons (in the newsletters) and/or sending checks to the designated member of the Program Committee. Kit or material fees are payable to the instructor at the workshop. Normally, refunds are not given unless a) the Board of Directors decides there are extenuating circumstances, or b) a replacement may be found for the workshop.
Guests are welcome to attend morning meetings ($5 guest fee). Workshops are open to guests when space is available, but fees for guests will be $5-15 higher, depending on the length of the workshop. Yearly dues are $40 (prorated after January).
Please wear name tags. New members will want to create a name tag using their favorite technique.
At each meeting we try to have:
The NTGM library: Contains books and some videos/DVD's, available for one month check out. One dollar per month late fees per item applies.
The Flea Market: Sells donated items at minimum cost. All money earned goes to the NTGM library fund.
Consignment Sales: A member may bring priced items to sell on consignment. Fifteen percent of the price (given to the Flea Market Chair) is a donation by the seller to the NTGM library fund. Sellers handle their own sales. Be prepared to collect money and make change.
Open Meetings: Members may invite friends or potential members. A $5.00 fee is charged for guests. The June meeting and luncheon are open to guests without charge, but please bring extra servings of your dish to accommodate guests. (More information under June Luncheon.)
Workshops: Offered during the year for a fee and usually open only to members. If the workshop is not filled 14 days prior to the date, guests may enroll at a higher fee. Bring a brown bag lunch and an *IP kit. Refunds are given at the discretion of the Board of Directors. For full workshop policies, click here.
Closed Meetings: These meetings are open to members only. Examples are Whistlestop, Seminar Day and workshops, except in special circumstances described below.
Whistlestop: A meeting open to members only featuring 3 or 4 different techniques or projects. Members move to each station, taking every class, changing when the whistle blows. Bring a brown bag lunch and an *IP kit.
Seminar Day: A meeting open to members only where participants choose and sign up for one of 3 or 4 day-long classes. A small fee is charged. There may also be a kit fee. Bring a brown bag lunch and an *IP kit.
June Meeting: The final meeting of the year features an exhibit of members' work and a fashion show in which members model garments made during the year. For the luncheon, attendees bring a dish serving at least eight people. If you bring a guest, bring extra. Board members bring the desserts.
*IP Kit (I'm prepared kit): consists of basic sewing supplies and includes, needles, pins, thread, thimble, paper and fabric scissors, pencil, paper, light or magnification if needed. If attending a sewing machine class, extra extension cords and lights are always welcome.
Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups meet at members homes. The schedule and location is announced at regular meetings and published in the Newsletter. All members are invited to attend, but there may be limitations the number of guests each hostess can accommodate so be sure to give your hostess a call if you plan to attend. Contact Kathy at 248-225-2427 for more details.
Knitters and Others (AKA, The Knit-Wits)
- Meet the first Monday of the month at 10am.
- For more information, contact Kathy at 248-225-2427
Knit-ins are informal opportunities for members to bring their own projects of any kind with them and work in the company of others. Some hosts provide lunch; otherwise, bring your own and enjoy a comfortable, friendly work environment.
Space is limited. Be sure to RSVP to hostess if you plan to attend.
Beaders Group
- Meet the first Tuesday of the month at 10 AM.
- For more information, contact Sharon at 313-570-2013
We welcome beginners to experienced beaders. However, space is limited. Be sure to RSVP to hostess if you plan to attend. Work on the design or technique of your choosing, with the assistance of a teacher to guide you through the process.
Artful Quilters
- Meet the third Tuesday of the month at 1 PM.
- For more information, contact Barbara at 248-568-0573
Artful Quilters is a contemporary quilting group that meets the third Tuesday of each month at the Oak Park Community Center, in the Senior Lounge. The address is 14300 Oak Park Blvd, Oak Park. The meetings start at 1 PM and last until 2:30-3:00PM.
Mission statement: "The purpose of Artful Quilters is to promote, enrich and support contemporary art quilters through the interchange of ideas and opinions in a positive setting. The group presents quilted-related concepts to stimulate creativity as it relates to contemporary quilting design and fiber artwork."